Hello parents! Are you aware of all the services we provide to our students at NO EXTRA COST? All these services help our students learn more efficiently and effectively. No other afterschool learning programs on the market offer the same level of service as Afficient Academy.

1) New Student Orientation:

This service is for all new students and parents. After enrollment, we offer an orientation as a group presentation OR a one-on-one session with an academic advisor. The orientation aims to explain our services and the optimal ways to use our programs to achieve excellent results.

2) Designated Account Manager:

Each student account has a designated account manager. Parents can contact their account managers directly for problems encountered or questions they have about their accounts. They can also communicate regarding students’ progress status and request an appointment to review and discuss their child’s progress.

3) Mini-Conference:

All new students benefit from a weekly performance review with an instructor or an academic advisor within the first month of enrollment. In a 15-minute meeting with the student and parent, our instructor offers personalized guidance for academic improvement. After the first month, students have a bi-weekly performance review. Students must schedule a performance review session in advance.

4) Online Q&A Session:

We have online Q&A sessions managed by Afficient instructors Monday through Friday. A student can join the Zoom session and interact with an instructor during the available hours. If students have questions or need help understanding a concept, these online Q&A sessions are a great resource.

5) Supervised Practice Session:

A supervised practice session is a 1-hour session per week conducted by a dedicated instructor. Students must reserve a spot in advance through our supervised practice session site. A student can join the online session and complete the homework assignment under the supervision of an instructor. During the practice session, help is IMMEDIATELY available if the student encounters any problems. We encourage our students to take advantage of this unique and tailored service.

6) Weekly Progress Report:

Every week, students’ progress reports are emailed to parents. The weekly progress report includes the following charts:

  • User progress chart
  • Daily time spent chart
  • Honors chart
  • Afficient grade point chart
  • Top 10 weakest skills in the current grade
  • Skills advanced in the last week
  • Skills dropped in the previous week
  • Daily activities
  • Student’s global rank amongst all the students in the same grade

This is a comprehensive report with many details about your child’s activities and performance. We strongly recommend looking at this report every week. If you aren’t receiving this report in your mailbox, please get in touch with your account manager immediately.

We strongly urge you to consider using these services if you aren’t already taking advantage of them. Again, these services are provided by Afficient Academy at NO EXTRA COST. We will continue to invest our resources in adding features and services to our programs to help your children reach their academic goals.

If you are interested in our learning programs, request a free diagnostic test and consultation.