Featured Articles

28 07, 2021

Critical Thinking and College Readiness

By |2024-12-13T09:22:34-08:00July 28, 2021|Featured Articles|0 Comments

What does it mean to make high-school students “college and career ready“? Does it mean that they have memorized a lot of information or have a deep understanding of core concepts? Does it mean that they write essays based on their personal experiences, or evidence-based background knowledge? Does it mean that they accept all information given as fact, or [...]

21 07, 2021

A New Frontier: Competency-Based Learning

By |2021-12-23T19:35:03-08:00July 21, 2021|Featured Articles|0 Comments

When we think of traditional education spaces, we picture a classroom filled with children, all around the same age, sitting and raising their hands while a teacher lectures at the front of the classroom. While this method of teaching and learning is ideal for some circumstances, it is by no means the best or only way that students can master the [...]

14 07, 2021

Lexile-Aligned Passages

By |2022-01-31T11:14:42-08:00July 14, 2021|Featured Articles|0 Comments

Throughout 2021, the Afficient English team has been committed to elevating our English content to meet the needs of learners across the globe. By tracking student data across our platforms and incorporating customer feedback, we realized the benefits of incorporating developmental reading metrics into Afficient English. While our curriculum has always been aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and content standards for [...]

7 07, 2021

FeaGet Verbal: Academic Language Development Starts Young

By |2021-12-23T18:46:54-08:00July 7, 2021|Featured Articles|0 Comments

Last week, we discussed the importance of leveled reading in developing literacy skills. Another essential component to increasing literacy and critical thinking skills is vocabulary development. When I entered kindergarten, teachers and other adults were surprised at my highly advanced vocabulary for such a young child. This resulted from two actions taken from infancy: my mother both read and [...]

30 06, 2021

The Importance of K-12 Literacy

By |2024-12-13T11:07:32-08:00June 30, 2021|Featured Articles|0 Comments

When I was in third grade, my teacher informed my mother during my parent-teacher conference that I was over a year behind in reading. My mother was shocked because I loved books so much, and I would ask her to read to me all the time. My teacher informed her that, while my reading comprehension skills were strong, I was struggling [...]

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